Rev up member engagement with an Arcadier marketplace

Transform your automotive association with a trusted marketplace platform that delivers results, enhances the member experience, and provides valuable data insights.

Enhance trust and security

Enhance trust and security

Robust ID verification: Arcadier integrates secure ID verification systems to ensure a safe and trustworthy marketplace for buyers and sellers.

Accurate listings: Address concerns about the reliability of vehicle information with our solutions, providing a transparent and dependable marketplace experience.

Customisable and future-proof

Customisable and future-proof

Tailored solutions: Arcadier marketplaces are highly customisable to meet your specific needs and adaptable for future marketplaces.

Seamless integrations: Easily integrate dealer inventory data, CRMs and your existing tech stack to simplify your marketplace setup.

Enhanced member service

Enhanced member services

Value-added benefits: Provide your members with a reliable platform to buy and sell used cars, enhancing their overall experience and loyalty

Member-centric tools: Equip your marketplace with features that cater to your members' needs, fostering greater engagement and satisfaction.

Revenue generation

Revenue generation

Create new revenue streams: Leverage transaction fees, premium listings, and advertising to create additional revenue opportunities and expand your audience base.

Financial growth: Support your association’s financial health and reinvest in member services and offerings.

Service offering expansion

Service offering expansion

Diverse marketplaces: Expand your offerings beyond vehicles to include other products and services.

Adaptable solutions: Grow and adapt your marketplace to meet changing member and market needs.

Competitive advantage

Competitive advantage

Industry Leadership: Establish your association as a leader with an innovative and efficient marketplace platform.

Member retention: Increase member loyalty by offering unique and valuable services.

Data & insights

Data & insights

In-depth analytics: Gather and analyse data to understand member behaviour and marketplace trends.

Continuous improvement: Use insights to enhance your marketplace and better serve your members based on your data insights.